The daily limit is 15 and possession limit is 45. Shooting hours are 30 minutes before sunrise to sunset. The season is open through Nov. 9.
All dove hunters must possess a fishing, hunting and furbearer certificate and a general game and habitat license, regardless of age. In addition, hunters ages 16 and older need a small game license.
Hunters who purchase a hunting license through the State Game and Fish Department’s electronic licensing system ( or instant licensing telephone number at 800-406-6409 can easily get HIP certified.
Otherwise, hunters can access the department’s website, or call 888-634-4798 and record the HIP number on their fishing, hunting and furbearer certificate.
Those who registered to hunt the spring light goose season in North Dakota do not have to register with HIP again, as it is required only once per year. However, hunters must HIP register in each state for which they are licensed before hunting migratory game birds.